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Trauma-Informed Breathwork

Sun, Oct 08


Everton Park

This breathwork is intentionally used to raise awareness around our existing emotional health, to actively shift blocked energy caused by trauma and to help unlock limitless healing potential in the body.

Trauma-Informed Breathwork
Trauma-Informed Breathwork

Time & Location

Oct 08, 2023, 1:00 PM – Oct 09, 2023, 1:00 PM

Everton Park, Everton Park QLD 4053, Australia


*This form of breathwork is classified as deep, personal work.

During this 3 hour event, we invite you to step out of your comfort zone and connect deeply with yourself through movement, sound and authentic-relating pracices... and breathwork of course.

Trauma-Informed Breathwork is a powerful tool which seeks to drop you into a “non-ordinary state of consciousness“, which allows you to access the part of our brain which holds memory and emotion.

Gain a better undertanding of stress and trauma as Anna Wood(Psychotherapist) breaks down the processes behind trauma and explains how breathwork can be helpful in shifting blocked emotions, to get you feeling comfortatble and ready for the breathwork journey.

This practice is intentionally used to raise awareness around our existing emotional health, shift blocked energy caused by trauma, and can help you unlock limitless healing potential in the body.


As part of our event we serve Peruvian ceremonial cacao, sweetened with coconut, ayurvedic spices, and guided meditation, to help you connect with your physical, emotional and mental layers.

Event is limited to 20 persons to maintain quality of care.

Benefits Include:

  • promotes higher levels of self-awareness
  • provides deep relaxation
  • elicits altered states of consciousness associated with meditation and transpersonal experiences
  • supports healing post-traumatic stress disorder
  • alleviates depression & anxiety
  • supports deep emotional catharsis and trauma healing

By shifting mental, emotional and spiritual blocks, we can surrender, drop away from the egoic mind, and make space for healing on many levels.

This experience welcomes anyone seeking to shift or increase their own awareness

Trauma-Informed Breathwork centres around using a specific, long-form breath-pattern which will activate sympathetic and parasympathetic responses from your body. Each journey is different. You may feel a deep level of calm, gain messages from your subconscious, experience a powerful energetic or emotional release, or connect with something more metaphysical.

Your body is intelligent and will use this practice in whichever way it needs on the day. As your journey concludes, you will be guided into a safe and loving integration process with the frequencies of gentle crystal singing bowls and restorative grounding practices.

Trauma & Breathwork

Trauma is a human experience - at some point, everyone encounters it. One study shows that approximately 70% of people worldwide experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Often categorized as a “Big T” trauma, like sexual abuse, a natural disaster, and war, or a “Little T” trauma like a breakup, prolonged stress, or financial trouble — all traumas have an impact on our bodies and subconscious mind. Over time, these impacts can compound and become further internalised, and ultimately, trauma manifests as physical or emotional symptoms/disease. Breathwork has many positive effects on alleviating anxiety, stress and the emotional tension held in the body. Breathwork can also help heal trauma, release stored/stuck energy, and restore aspects of ourselves that have been impacted by traumatic events. As the pressure of our emotions begin to release, a path towards healing and wholeness is made clear, and balance is able to be restored.

What is Trauma-Informed Breathwork?

The Trauma-Informed Breathwork that we facilitate is based on a Holotropic-style form of breathwork. Holotropic breathwork is classified as deeply transformational and meaningful work. The word Holotropic means: “moving toward wholeness”, and originates from the Greek words “holos”, which means ‘whole’ and “trepein”, which means ‘moving towards’. This breathwork technique pairs quickened breathing with evocative music, to elicit healing and transformational experiences for the individual. This type of breathwork brings participants into non-ordinary states of consciousness, allowing for suppressed thoughts and emotions to more easily move towards the surface to be expressed, processed, and released. Allowing ourselves to feel and heal from the emotions and memories that comprise these traumas is a profound process. The emotional charge of the traumas is allowed to flow, and it’s hold on us is released. After a single session, people share their experience as “feeling lightness and clarity”.

Expert Facilitation To Support Your Journey

The Breath Collective is comprised of two health specialists, both with specific specialized skillsets, together, they cover both the physical body and the mind.

Christopher Marinko uses his knowledge as a holistic health specialist to explain the science of breathwork. Chris is playful and informative as he breaks down what’s happening in the body during the breath, ensuring you feel empowered with the knowledge to fully let go.

Anna Wood brings forward a decade of experience as a Psychotherapist to support participants to safety explore the depths of their psyche. As a specialist in the trauma field, Anna provides a unique, trauma-informed lens under which participants can safely access the these trending breathwork practices.

Before your journey, Anna & Chris introduce tools to activate the appropriate brain hemispheres, guiding participants to gently drop into their body and connect as group, as to create a safe space where everyone feels fully supported and capable to use this breathwork to the best of their ability.

Integration is another hugely important aspect of the Trauma-Informed Breathwork process.

A breathwork journey may bring great insight or a strong cathartic experience… but then what?

We offer our participants time after breathwork for journalling, grounding and group reflection.

After the event we will email out a short breathwork recording to support creating a daily practice.

The Breath Collective also offers its participants a special discount to use for our other offerings which include, hot and cold therapy, remedial massage, more breathwork and individual Holistic Psychotherapy sessions.

We are here to support you in your own practice of self-discovery and healing.


Breathwork is a powerful experiential tool for accessing your own inner healing. As this process can bring up intense emotions and strong physical sensations in some, it is not recommended for those with certain types of conditions including head injuries, heart conditions, pregnancy, recent surgery, serious mental health, or other physical limitations. If you are unsure, please consult your family doctor.


  • General Admission

    +A$2.48 service fee
    Sale ended



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